Networking Tutorials

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Routing Protocol and Routed Protocol

Protocol : Protocols are nothing but a set of rules. From childhood we had followed the rules in school,home, etc. This all rules are mandatory for smooth functioning of our daily life, like that the set of rules are mandatory for network communication.

There are two terms used Routing protocol and Routed Protocol.

 What is Routing and Routing Protocol ?

 In computer network routing is a process to find the best path to reach destination network.There are different protocols  available for this purpose like RIP ,EIGRP, OSPF etc. This all protocols are working on a different algorithm.

Routing Protocols are further divided into Interior Routing Protocol and Exterior Routing Protocol

Interior Gateway Routing Protocols : The protocols belongs to this category responsible for routing inside the organisation or we can say that inside one domain. Example of  protocols are RIP, OSPF, EIGRP, IS - IS.

Exterior Gateway Routing Protocols: This type of protocol is used on ISP side or we can say that on the internet to exchange routing information between different autonomous systems.Example of it is BGP .

What is Routed Protocol ?

Routed protocol are responsible to carry the data from one network to another network.Example of this type of protocol is IP , AppleTalk and IPS.

Co-ordinate with Real life Example (Routing and Routed Protocol)

Local Bus Transport: In daily routine local Buses always carry passengers from one stop and drop them at another stop.The Bus route which basically follows is the routing process and imagine the passengers are packets of data carry by bus. So bus itself is a routed protocol responsible to carry data and routing protocol are responsible for finding a path.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Difference between physical address and logical address in networking

Physical Address : 

Physical address is a hardware level address which actually uniquely identify your device at data link layer. This address stored by manufacturer in NIC (Network Interface Card). You can't change this address because it's stored in ROM of NIC card. This address is of 48 bits and divided in to two parts. First 24 bits are assigned for OUI ( Organisationally Unique Identifier ) and last 24 bits identify that device interface.
In this Example first 24 bits that means 0A-00-27 are for OUI and last 24 bits 00-00-15 are for network controller Interface unique identifier.

Logical Address :

Logical Address is also known as IP address.It is changeable. IP address is working at network layer. Logical address is given by two ways.First, Statically and second dynamically. Network administrator or user can assign this address manually to the system.
DHCP ( Dynamic host configuration protocol ) used to assign dynamically IP address to the system. There are different versions of IP addressing.Most popular one is IPv4 which is obsolete and the latest one is IPv6.If you are using IPv4 addressing scheme the it's of 32bits. If you are using IPv6 then it's of 128 bits.

Monday, 7 November 2016

OSI Reference Model

OSI Reference Model

OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnection. OSI model consist of  seven layers.Each and every layer have equal importance.
Physical Layer : This layer is bottom layer.In this layer data in form of bits.Basic functionality of this layer is to  limit data rate i.e bits per second,synchronisation at bit level with other deice,and also concerns with transmission mode (Simplex,half duplex,full duplex).

Data Link layer : This layer co-ordinate with network layer and physical layer.In this layer data in form of frames.Error controlling and handling easy done by this layer.Data link layer address is also know as MAC address or Physical address works on this layer.

Network Layer : The layer co-ordinate with transport layer and data link layer.Data is in form of packet in this layer.The main purpose of this layer is to deliver packet from source to destination using logical address i.e IP address.

Transport Layer : This layer provide assurance  to deliver message  in order as well as error control and flow control using windowing. TCP and UPD are working in transport layer.Transport layer breaks message in segments and gives sequence number.It provides reliable(TCP) and unreliable(UDP) connections.

Session Layer : This layer is use to maintain session among different application.The basic responsibility of this layer is dialog control and synchronisation.

Presentation Layer :  This layer is taking care of syntax and semantics of information exchanged between the different systems.It just represent information is such a ways that the another system can easily understand.

Application Layer : This layer actually work with application and various type of services like email,File transfer ,Directory services provided by it.